Saturday, July 31, 2010

God, I love a good tune.

I saw it with my two green eyes.
True love is always complicated, free and easy is overated.

Are you hiding or are you seeking?

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Sometimes I think about what it would be like if I didn't live in Oklahoma. It's not very often I do this, because I really love it here, but lately I've been thinking about different life options.

Would I be happier if I went to college in another state and lived off of ramen and poptarts?
Would I be happier if I stayed at home and finished Rose State and then to UCO to become a teacher?
Would I be happier if I were single?

What if I decided to to call up my grandma in California and tell her to clear a room, because I'm moving in.
I've been thinking about different things lately. Sometimes I feel lost.  Like what I'm doing isn't living life to it's full potential. That's what I've always been about.

Sometimes I feel lost.

Sometimes I write an entire blog and want to delete it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Austin, Texas changed my life.


I'm hunkering down, and I"m just going to do it.

Anyone that even knows me knows that I CONSTANTLY am taking pictures, of everything.

I'm going to be a photog.

Yep. I'm going to do it.

And I'm pretty stoked about it.

Also, I need to start conjuring up ideas for my bucket list.

I've never seen the movie, all I usually do is associate it with John Mayer, but I really want to write it down and legit learn/do stuff on it!

I'm inspired.

I love where my mind is at this point in my life, and lately that just seems out of the ordinary for me.