Saturday, January 2, 2010

I mostly copy other people.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery right?
Well that's exactly how I feel about it.

Sure, I like to browse and explore the minds of others then I piece together my own "art"
Don't get me wrong, I don't just go around and STEAL other people's ideas. I definitely always give credit where credit is due. But come on, if you're going to be a walking canvas, don't get hell bent when someone comes along and 1. Compliments you, or 2. Decides to want to buy the same thing.

I guess that simple quote about imitation seems to piss off so many "non-conformists" that I felt compelled to touch on the subject.


You PROBABLY didn't do it first.
You were not the first to order a double soy latte with half cream and 3 1/3 extra shot of caramel.
Okay. Get over yourself. Those boots you wear with your dresses with tights (One of my most worn outfits this winter) Look around EVERYONE IS WEARING THAT SAME OUTFIT.

I don't want to come off as a complete follower of trends, because that ain't me. Just sayin, that I like to wear what I like, and if it happens to be what you have on, well then by Golly I'm going to wear it. Sorry if that upsets you.

Let's not confuse my "imitation problem" with acceptance...oh ooh oh no. I don't like something just because you do.

Don't really know where I'm going with the post? Yeah me either.
It may be because I'm not very happy with my layout art yet and I will be surfing the internets to get inspiration for a new header. LOL.

I'm random. I'm two sided. So if it just seemed that I contradicted myself, I probably did. ha. But hey this is my blog. dangit. I can be random and confusing if I wanna be!

I went off on a tangent, and I think I missed my own point.
Sometimes I like being ditzy, and today is definitely one of those days.

(PS, my title was taken from The Almost....hahahaha")
♥ Katie

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